Level Up Your Leadership with our Self-Paced Online Courses


This self-paced course brings our Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® foundational workshop to the comfort of your home!

Based on our 20+ years in education, we created an interactive online course to increase your understanding of each of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) preferences, what they may look like in practice, and how you can apply them in your work and home life.

The course is designed to increase your self-understanding and understanding of others, while providing concrete suggestions for communicating and building trust across all MBTI® types through a common language.


TYPE: Beyond the Letters Course Outline


Hear from folks who completed the course:

What was the most helpful part of TYPE: Beyond the Letters?

“I love how it went into detail about each personality type. It helped me better understand myself and others.”

“I really liked having real-world application options; it made me think about using this insight in the workplace.”

How do you plan to apply what you learned?

“To help me be more cognizant of other people's mindsets and thoughts, and insights that I work with! My team chemistry is better because of this course!”

“I plan to be open about what I need in a relationship as well as being open to what others need from me. I want to minimize confusion and optimize conversations.”


Our minds & bodies are deeply connected, and our brain’s job is to keep us alive. In this interactive workshop, we will use an understanding of mind-body connections and MBTI Type, to better understand unique stressors & ways to respond to stress.

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